Airport Pilot

    Town     City     Airport

Lego item n°: air024

Release year: 2004

* Pilot with red tie and 6 buttons
* Black pilot uniform with black legs and black hat
* Standard grin
This minifigure appears in:
10159-1: City Airport - City Logo Box (2004)
pilotairportlego city airportlego airportlegoscity airportairport passenger terminalairport vip servicelego airport 2016lego airport 2018cargo airportlego city vip airportlego juniors airportlego pilotlego duplo airport playsetlego city airport setstoy airportairport toyairport 2016los rodeos airportlego city central airportairport cargo planeairport toy setairport shuttleairport toys setairport air showlego city airport vip servicesairport terminalheartlake airportboeiingaircraftstewardstewardess

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