

Lego item n°: cty0452

Release year: 2014

* Black knit cap
* Black torso leather jacket with gray striped undershirt and silver buckle with dark tan belt
* Black arms and black hands
* Dark bluish gray hips and legs
* Dark tan open backpack
* Yellow head, beard stubble, black angry eyebrows and scowl and white pupils
This minifigure appears in:
60042-1: High Speed Police Chase (2014)
60047-1: Police Station (2014)
policeMotorcycle Police Police Car Motor BikeAircraft Helicopter Motorcycle Car Dog Camera Lamppost Trapdoor Propeller Aircraft Tow Truck Pickup Truck Police Station Coffee Machine Police Helicopter Landing Padlego policelego city policelego citylego police carlego police chaselego police schoollego stop motionlego animationlego robberypolice chaselego police stationpolice stationlego swatpolice carlego city police stationlego funnylego police academylego prison breaklego bank robberylego city police chaselego carlego landpolice carslego police swatlego police faillego police setslego police 2020lego police truck

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Evil Witch
Biggs Darklighter
Biggs Darklighter
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Intergalactic Girl

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