Baron Von Barron

    Adventurers     Desert

Lego item n°: adv039

Release year: 1998

* Light gray hips and legs
* Tan torso adventurers desert safari shirt, black neck and holster
* Tan arms, black hand right and dark gray hook left
* White epaulette
* White pith helmet
* Yellow head glasses with monocle, scar and moustache
This minifigure appears in:
2879-1: Desert Expedition (1998)
5909-1: Treasure Raiders (1998)
5914-1: Sam Sanister and Baby T (2000)
5919-1: The Valley of the Kings (1998)
5948-1: Desert Expedition (1998)
5955-1: All Terrain Trapper (2000)
5975-1: T-Rex Transport (2000)
5978-1: Sphinx Secret Surprise (1998)
5987-1: Dino Research Compound (2000)
5988-1: The Temple of Anubis (1998)
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