Star Wars     Star Wars Episode 4/5/6

Lego item n°: sw0161a

Release year: 2005

* Pearl gold with pearl gold hands
* Printed design on body
* Star Wars character
This minifigure appears in:
8092-1: Luke's Landspeeder (2010)
8129-1: AT-AT Walker (2010)
10188-1: Death Star (2008)
10198-1: Tantive IV (2009)
852843-1: Star Wars Magnet Set (2010)
star warsC-3PO R2-D2 Sandtrooper Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Sentry Droid Tatooine Droid A New Hope Original Trilogy X-34 Landspeeder AT-AT Driver General Veers Han Solo Hoth Rebel Trooper Walker Hoth Galactic Empire The Empire Strikes Back Assassin Droid Chewbacca Grand Moff Tarkin Imperial Trooper Interrogation Droid Mouse Droid Princess Leia Protocol Droid R2-Q5 Stormtrooper D2c Lightsaber Duel Return Of The Jedi Captain Antilles Rebel Fleet Trooper Escape Pod Rebel Alliance Tantive Iv Admiral Ackbar Star Wars C-3po Lego c-3po Lego c-3po chrome gold Lego c-3po gold Lego star wars c-3po

Foreman Pig
Foreman Pig
Ghost (With pointed top shroud)
Ghost (With pointed top shroud)
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson

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