
    Collectible Minifigures     Series 1 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col003

Release year: 2010

* Black hair, beard and mouth hole
* Tan hips and yellow legs with black and tan animal skin loincloth pattern
* Tan torso male with chest hair and animal print top with bone pattern
* Yellow arms and yellow hands
* Yellow head, black eyes with white pupils, unibrow and wide mouth pattern
* Accessory: Reddish brown bat
This minifigure appears in:
8683-3: Caveman (2010)
8683-17: LEGO Minifigures Series 1 - Complete (2010)
Historic Prehistoric Lego Towerprimeval manlego caveman lego caveman batman lego caveman moc lego worlds caveman stuck lego city undercover caveman lego captain caveman lego worlds cavemancavemancaveancientseries 1 lego series 1

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