Clara Oswald

    Dimensions     Doctor Who

Lego item n°: idea022

Release year: 2015

* Black torso female outline V-neck sweater over white shirt with scalloped collar
* Black arms and light nougat hands
* Light nougat head dual sided, female, with black eyebrows, pink lips and smile or concerned with raised right eyebrow
* Red hips and legs with plaid miniskirt, dark brown tights and black boots
* Reddish brown hair, female, mid-length with part over right shoulder
This minifigure appears in:
21304-1: Doctor Who (2015)
Clara Oswald Dalek The Doctor Weeping Angel Robot Lab Statue Bbc Tardis Doctor Who Time Machine United Kingdomlego dimensionslegoclara oswaldlego doctor whojuegos legolego toyslego dimensions doctor whoclaralego ideaslego® ninjago™clara oswald in perillego dimensions gameplay

Tobias Beckett
Tobias Beckett
Circus Ringmaster
Circus Ringmaster