Commissioner Gordon

    Collectible Minifigures     The LEGO Batman Movie

Lego item n°: coltlbm07

Release year: 2017

* The LEGO Batman movie character: Commissioner Gordon
* Wanted poster "looking for The Joker"
* Walkie-talkie
* Grey male hair and moustache
* Black legs, grey waistcoat and brown tie
* Glasses
This minifigure appears in:
71017-7: Commissioner Gordon (2017)
71017-21: LEGO Minifigures - The LEGO Batman Movie Series - Complete (2017)
Commissioner Gordon Gcpd The Lego Batman MovieBatman Batgirl Barbara Gordon Calculator Catman Commissioner Gordon Dick Grayson Eraser Harley Quinn King Tut March Harriet Mime Orca Red Hood The Joker Zodiac Mastercommissioner gordonlego batmangordonlego batman movielego commissioner gordoncommissionerlego batman - commissioner gordonlego minifigure commissioner gordonthe lego batman movielego moviejim gordonlego commissaire gordonbarbara gordoncommissioner gordon 71017-7minifigure commissioner gordonbatman attacks commissioner gordoncommissioner gordon attacks batmanlego super heroes

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