Court Jester

    Castle     Kingdoms

Lego item n°: cas437

Release year: 2010

* Red torso castle kingdoms red and white jester's collar, lion head on buckle
* Red arm left, white arm right and yellow hands
* White hips and 1 white left leg, 1 red right leg
* White jester's cap with red right side and red and white pom poms
* Yellow head dual sided huge grin, white pupils, eyebrows or sad with tear and convex eyebrows
This minifigure appears in:
7953-1: Court Jester (2010)
5002146-1: Vintage Minifigure Collection 2013 Vol. 1 (2013)
jesterPerformance Stage Medicalkingdomslego jester lego jester minifigure lego hidden side chester the jester lego legacy heroes unboxed jester gogo lego kingdoms lego kingdoms commercial lego kingdoms sets lego kingdoms castle lego kingdoms chess lego kingdoms stop motion lego kingdoms joust lego kingdoms mill village raid lego kingdoms all sets lego kingdoms game lego kingdoms moc lego kingdoms battle lego kingdoms speed build lego kingdoms king's carriage ambush

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