Dick Grayson

    Collectible Minifigures     The LEGO Batman Movie

Lego item n°: coltlbm09

Release year: 2017

* Aerosol with print "Shark repellent"
* Red sweater with blue legs
* Male brown hair
* Big glasses
* Pink shirt
This minifigure appears in:
71017-9: Dick Grayson (2017)
71017-21: LEGO Minifigures - The LEGO Batman Movie Series - Complete (2017)
Dick Grayson Bat Family Bat Gadget The Lego Batman MovieBatman Batgirl Barbara Gordon Calculator Catman Commissioner Gordon Dick Grayson Eraser Harley Quinn King Tut March Harriet Mime Orca Red Hood The Joker Zodiac Masterdick graysonlego batmanlego robinlego dick graysonlego batman movielego batman dick graysonlego stop motionlego dclego nightwingrobinbatmanevolution of dick graysonlego® dc super-villainsdesbloquear a dick graysondick grayson evolutionlego the batman movielego 2017dick grayson (comic book character)

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