
    Town     City     Harbor

Lego item n°: cty0257

Release year: 2011

* Lime green flippers
* Grey and black wetsuit
* Black gloves
* Dark grey helmet with diving mask
* Scuba tank at back
* Cheek lines
This minifigure appears in:
AB092011NL: City - De Haven - Activity Book (2011)
AB092011DE: City - Hafen (Nr. 6) - Activity Book (2011)
97801409314110: City - Harbour - Activity Book (2013)
b11cty05pl: City - Plusk - Activity Book (Polish Edition) (2011)
diverlego diverlego diversocean diver legolego ocean diverlego deep sealego waterocean diver lego citylego diver minifigurehow to build lego diverlego underwaterdiverslego diver building tutoriallego building instruction diverlego submarine

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