Erik Killmonger (Golden Jaguar)

    Super Heroes     Black Panther

Lego item n°: sh477

Release year: 2018

* Black hips and legs
* Black head with mask gold eyes and details
* Black head top with ears
* Black torso armor gold collar with white fangs, dark bluish gray muscle contours, gold highlights and belt
* Black arms and black hands
This minifigure appears in:
76099-1: Rhino Face-Off by the Mine (2018)
Black Panther Killmonger Okoye Mining Wakanda Rhinoceros Brick Built Animals Marvel Cinematic Universekillmongererik killmongerkillmonger deathkillmonger themeblack panther vs killmongererik killmonger morteerik killmonger cenaserik killmonger factswho is erik killmongererik killmonger deatherik killmonger liveskillmonger originkillmonger rapkillmonger tributekillmonger bodykillmonger suitkillmonger hairkillmonger songerik killmonger tributeerik killmonger dubladoerik killmonger historyhot toys erik killmongererik killmonger returnskillmonger fightkillmonger lives

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