Fantasy Era Knight

    Castle     Fantasy Era

Lego item n°: cas374

Release year: 2008

* Crown knight scale mail with chest strap
* Helmet with broad brim
* Dual sided head
* Light bluish gray legs and dark blue arms
* Quiver
This minifigure appears in:
7037-1: Tower Raid (2008)
Castle Trolls Crown Knightslego castlelego knightslego fantasy eraknightlego (interest)lego knightfantasy eralego reviewlego lion knightslego white knightslego sword fightknightslego fantasy era castlelego filmlego movielego fantasylego star warslego classic knightlego animationlego battlefantasylego setlego classic knightslego castle moclego knights diefightlego castle battlelego castle history

Freight Rail Worker
Freight Rail Worker
Jungle Engineer
Jungle Engineer

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