Female Medic

    Town     City     Hospital

Lego item n°: cty0896

Release year: 2018

* Peach Lips and closed Mouth
* Light brown female hair in tail
* Light blue legs and red sweater with medic logo
This minifigure appears in:
60204-1: City Hospital (2018)
911Aircraft Helicopter Shop Cart Ambulance Hospital Baby Medical Disability Propeller Aircraft Baked Goods Light Brick X Raymedichospitalfemale medicfemalelego meet the mediclego tf2 medicmeet the medic in legolego tf2 meet the mediclego meet the medic tf2lego team fortress medicteam fortress medic legomeet the medictf2 medicfemale tf2sfm medicswat mediccombat medicmedic vs mercymedic and heavylego team fortresslego team fortress2medic (profession)medical maladieslegomationmedical trainingmedical research

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