
    Town     City     Fire

Lego item n°: cty0640

Release year: 2016

* Black hips and legs with dark tan harness straps and silver clip buckles
* Black torso fire reflective stripes with utility belt and flashlight front and fire badge on back
* Black arms and dark bluish gray hands
* Trans-black standard visor
* White helmet
* Yellow life jacket
* Yellow head, black eyebrows and peach lips open smile
This minifigure appears in:
60106-1: Fire Starter Set (2016)
fireAirboat Hovercraft Minifigure Pack Fire Boat Starter Setfirewomanpsc firemankerala psc firewoman notificationfireman classeskerala psc forewoman detailskerala psc firewomen syllabuskerala psc fireman new syllabuskerala psc fireman exam datefireman previous questionsfire womankerala psc 12th level exam firewomen exam#fire womankerala psc 12th level exam firemankerala psc fireman english classesfire woman artfire woman coverfire woman lessonfire woman guitarthe cult fire womanwoman

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