Frightening Knight

    Collectible Minifigures     Series 15 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col230

Release year: 2016

* Dark grey outfit
* Dark grey helmet with green feather
* Big shield with bear head as a print
* Dark grey bat with spikes
This minifigure appears in:
71011-3: Frightening Knight (2016)
71011-17: LEGO Minifigures - Series 15 - Complete (2016)
Castle Knight Lego knight Lego knights Lego knights cartoon Lego knights kingdom Lego knights castle Lego knights battle Lego knights stop motion Lego knights vs pirates Lego knights fight Lego knights go to war Lego knight songs Lego knights beyond the brick Lego knights full movie Lego knight rider Lego knights movie lego knights lego knights of ren lego knights kingdom lego knight bus lego knights battle lego knight rider lego knights of the round table lego knights of ren transport shiplego knights castlelego knightmare batmanlego knights stop motionlego knights kingdom commerciallego knights setslego knights war

Reverse Flash (Zoom)
Reverse Flash (Zoom)
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