
    The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings     The Lord of the Rings

Lego item n°: lor013

Release year: 2012

* The Lord Of The Rings character
* Short dark brown legs
* Long brown beard
* Brown helmet
* Dark red sweater with grey sleeves
This minifigure appears in:
9473-1: The Mines of Moria (2012)
9474-1: The Battle of Helm's Deep (2012)
79006-1: The Council of Elrond (2013)
79008-1: Pirate Ship Ambush (2013)
the lord of the ringsBoromir Cave Troll Gimli Legolas Greenleaf Moria Orc Peregrin Took Bigfig Orcs Misty MountainsAragorn Haldir King Théoden Uruk-Hai Castle Horse Catapult RohanArwen Elrond Frodo Baggins Elves King of the Dead Mordor Orc Pirate of Umbar Soldier of the Dead Ship Pirateslego the lord of the rings lego the lord of the rings gameplay lego the lord of the rings trailer lego the lord of the rings ps vita lego the lord of the rings all characters lego the lord of the rings sets lego the lord of the rings walkthrough lego the lord of the rings review lego the lord of the rings commercial lego the lord of the rings 3ds lego the lord of the rings wii lego the lord of the rings free roam lego the lord of the rings ds lego the lord of the rings ps3

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