
    Collectible Minifigures     Series 10 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col152

Release year: 2013

* Dark tan hips and legs
* Tan torso button shirt over fat stomach with dark red bow tie and suspenders
* Tan arms and yellow hands
* Yellow hair male bald top with light bluish gray short hair and combover lines
* Yellow head glasses, gray eyebrows and moustache
This minifigure appears in:
71001-8: Grandpa (2013)
71001-17: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 - Complete (except Mr. Gold) (2013)
grandpalego grandpalego grannylego granny animationlego brick fantasyhorror game grandpalego granny chapter 2lego granny stop motiongranny lego horror gamestop motion grandpalego minifigures series 10 - grandpa reviewgranny legolego islandlego granny 2grandpa vaderlego game grannygranny & grandpakung-fu grandpagrandpa gameplaylego passenger traingranny and grandpalego animatiomlego kids

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