
    Super Heroes     Avengers

Lego item n°: sh037

Release year: 2012

* Black hair short tousled
* Bright green head dual sided with raging / scowl pattern
* Bright green torso bare chest with body lines both sides
* Bright green arms and bright green hands
* Dark purple hips and bright green legs with dark purple ripped shorts
This minifigure appears in:
5000022-1: The Hulk (2012)
Hulk Polybag Avengers Marvel Cinematic Universelego hulklego avengerslego marvel super heroeslego marvelall lego hulkshulk legolego marvel's avengerslego superheroeshulk de legolego hulkshulk from legolego marvel superheroeslego marvel super heroes 2lego vingadoreslego incredible hulklego movielego iron manall hulks in lego gameslego hulk vslego buildinglego marvel super heroes hulklego spidermanlego the hulklego red hulklego videogameslego hulk film

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