Ice Fisherman

    Collectible Minifigures     Series 5 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col068

Release year: 2011

* Dark tan torso fur jacket with chord clasps
* Dark tan arms and yellow hands
* Tan hips and dark tan legs with tan and black fur
* Tan headgear hood fur-lined, short with dark tan hood
* Yellow head, black eyebrows, cheek dimples, white pupils and open smile
* Accessory: Brown fishing line with fish
This minifigure appears in:
8805-4: Ice Fisherman (2011)
8805-17: LEGO Minifigures Series 5 - Complete (2011)
Fishlego fishermanfishermanlego ice fishermanfisherman legoice fishermanlego fishlego fishingseries 5 ice fishermanlego star warsseries 5 fishermanmonster mike fishing legolego cooking asmrlego fish pondlego icein the mind of an ice fishermancatch em all fishing lego ponddiy lego fishinglego sharklego series 5series 5

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