* Green hips and legs
* Green torso muscles outline with dragon
* Green arms and light nougat hands
* Yellow head and mask with iron fist This minifigure appears in:
6873-1: Spider-Man's Doc Ock Ambush (2012)
iron firstDoctor Octopus Iron Fist Spider-Man Cartoon Heroes For Hire Sinister Sixlegolego iron fistlego marvellego marvel super heroeslego marvel superheroeslego marvel superheroes 2lego marvel super heroes 2lego super heroeslego marvel super heroes gameplaylego marvel 2lego avengerslego iron fist customlego puristlego marvel collectionlego daredevillego spider manlego (toy line)lego iron fist netflixlego minifigureslego stop motionlego® marvel super heroes 2lego purist superheroeslego dc super villainslego customslego marvel's avengers