Kit Fisto

    Star Wars     Star Wars Episode 3

Lego item n°: sw0163

Release year: 2007

* Star Wars character
* Dark brown outfit
* Apple blue skin colour
This minifigure appears in:
7661-1: Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring (2007)
8088-1: ARC-170 Starfighter (2010)
852947-1: Star Wars Magnet Set (2010)
star warsKit Fisto Obi-Wan Kenobi Starfighter Droid Jedi Hyperdrive Eta 2 Actis Class Interceptor Galactic Republic Prequel Trilogy Revenge of the SithCaptain Jag Clone Pilot Kit Fisto R4-P44Barriss Offee Captain Jag Magnet Star Wars Kit Fisto Lego kit fisto Lego kit fistou27s jedi starfighter Lego kit fisto starfighter Lego kit fisto stop motion Lego kit fisto death sound Lego kit fisto minifigure Lego kit fisto sets Lego star wars the force awakens how to unlock kit fisto 3lego star wars the force awakens kit fisto 3lego star wars kit fisto 3lego star wars the complete saga kit fisto 3lego star wars bounty hunter missions kit fisto 3lego star wars clone wars kit fisto 3lego custom kit fisto lego kit fistolego kit fisto's jedi starfighterlego kit fisto starfighterlego kit fisto stop motionlego kit fisto death soundlego kit fisto minifigurelego kit fisto setskit fisto and lego clone modskit fisto vs general grievous legolego star warslego star wars the skywalker sagalego star wars the complete sagalego star wars the force awakenslego star wars the skywalker saga gameplaylego star wars the skywalker saga trailerlego star wars moclego star wars setslego star wars 3lego star wars 2020lego star wars battlelego star wars the skywalker saga release datelego star wars millennium falconlego star wars death starLego star warsStarWarsLego star wars the complete sagaLego star wars the skywalker sagaLego star wars 3Lego star wars the skywalker saga trailerLego star wars the force awakensLego star wars freemaker adventuresLego star wars movieLego star wars tfaLego star wars the skywalker saga gameplayLego star wars setsLego star wars episode 1Lego star wars tfa gameplayLego star wars 2

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Janine Melnitz
Janine Melnitz
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Chef (Fishmonger)
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Birthday Cake Guy

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lego battle truck