
    Dimensions     Legends of Chima

Lego item n°: loc049

Release year: 2014

* Blue torso armor vest, lion belt, chain and gold and blue round jewel (chi) pattern / tan arms / white hands
* Dark blue hips and tan legs with blue loincloth, gold knee pads and belt and white claws pattern
* Dark red headgear mask lion with tan face and gold crown pattern
* Pearl gold armor shoulder pads with front stud and 2 back studs
* Tan head dual sided alien chima lion with bright light orange eyes and dark brown nose, closed mouth / open mouth pattern
* Trans-light blue tile at chest
This minifigure appears in:
70123-1: Lion Legend Beast (2014)
legends of chimaLaval Lion Outlands Brick Built Animals 3Rd Wave Lion Tribelego legends of chima lego legends of chima full episodes lego legends of chima theme song lego legends of chima laval's journey lego legends of chima episode 6 lego legends of chima sets lego legends of chima game lego legends of chima season 2 episode 1 lego legends of chima episode 4 lego legends of chima commercial lego legends of chima season 1 episode 1 lego legends of chima intro lego legends of chima ice bears vs bears lego legends of chima speedorz

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