Luke Skywalker

    Star Wars     Star Wars Episode 4/5/6

Lego item n°: sw0778

Release year: 2016

* Tatooine
* White costume legs with brown belt
* Stern / Smile face print
* Light blonde hair
This minifigure appears in:
75159-1: Death Star (2016)
75173-1: Luke's Landspeeder (2017)
75220-1: Sandcrawler (2018)
75270-1: Obi-Wan's Hut (2020)
911943-1: Luke Skywalker (2019)
75279-1: Star Wars Advent Calendar (2020)
75290-1: Mos Eisley Cantina (2020)
C-3PO R2-D2 Darth Vader Death Star Droid Death Star Trooper Grand Moff Tarkin Han Solo Imperial Gunner Imperial Navy Officer Imperial Officer Interrogation Droid Luke Skywalker Mouse Droid Obi-Wan Kenobi Princess Leia R3-M3 Royal Guard Stormtrooper D2c Throne A New Hope Galactic Empire Lightsaber Duel Original Trilogy Return Of The Jedi Tusken Raider Tatooine X-34 Landspeeder2-1B Jawa R5-A2 RA-7 Protocol Droid Tracked VehicleR2-D2 Training Remoteluke skywalker

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