Marge Simpson with Orange Dress

    Collectible Minifigures     The Simpsons Series 2

Lego item n°: sim029

Release year: 2015

* The Simpsons character: Marge Simpson
* Blue hair
* White handshoes and orange dress
* Red flowers
* Dark blue wallet
This minifigure appears in:
71009-2: Marge (2015)
71009-17: LEGO Minifigures - The Simpsons Series 2 - Complete (2015)
Marge Simpson Female Simpsons FamilyBart Simpson Homer Simpson Lisa Simpson Maggie Simpson Marge Simpson Milhouse Van Houten Patty Bouvier Selma Bouvier Waylon Smithers The Simpsonsmarge simpson (fictional character)lego simpsonsmargesimpsonsthe simpsons (tv program)marge simpsonthe simpsonslego the simpsonsthe lego simpsonslego simpsons episodelego minifigureshomer simpsonlego simpsons minifigureslego reviewsimpsonthe simpsons legolego simpsonlego los simpsonlego margelego the simpsons 2014lego simpsons parody

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