Monster Scientist

    Collectible Minifigures     Series 14 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col213

Release year: 2015

* White hips and legs with 3 black and gray clasps and black boots pattern
* White torso lab coat with 3 black and gray clasps, belt and magenta stains pattern
* Black arms with white short sleeves pattern and black hands
* Yellow head, gray eyebrows raised and bushy moustache, wrinkles and white pupils and open smile pattern
* Yellow extended head with eyebrows and wrinkles, black and blue goggles and messy light bluish gray hair pattern
* Accessory: Trans-clear bottle, erlenmeyer flask with magenta fluid and black fly pattern
This minifigure appears in:
71010-3: Monster Scientist (2015)
71010-17: LEGO Minifigures - Series 14 - Monsters - Complete (2015)
Science Flasklego chemistry lego chemistry lab Scientist Lego scientist Lego scientist minifigure Lego scientist set lego scientist set lego scientist lego monster scientistchemicalchemistseries 14lego series 14lego 14monster jammonster scientistmonster jam mad scientistmad scientistscientistmonstermad scientist monster jammad scientist monster truckmonster truckmonster scientist codelego worlds monster scientistscientists on loch ness monstermonster jam avengerslego worlds monster scientist codethe mad scientist monster jam trucktoy scientistpretend scientistscientist lucylego worlds monster scientist gameplaymonster truck toystoy scientist labtoy scientist lucy

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