Mountain Biker

    Collectible Minifigures     Series 19 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col357

Release year: 2019

* Coral torso female compression with dark azure panels and white stripe
* Yellow arms with coral short sleeve pattern and bandage on right and black hands
* Dark azure hips and legs with lime boots, black and dark bluish gray knee pads and yellow shins
* Dark brown hair with hat, long hair with lime bicycle helmet
* Yellow head, medium nougat lips and crooked smile or dark pink, dark purple and dark azure sunglasses
This minifigure appears in:
71025-16: Mountain Biker (2019)
71025-17: LEGO Minifigures - Series 19 - Complete (2019)
mountainbikeFemale Sports Bicyclemountain bikemountain bikingmountain bikermountain bike skillsglobal mountain bike networkmountain bike racemountainnew mountain bikerpro mountain bikermountain biking (sport)mountain bike riderim a pro mountain bikermountain bike showmountain bike newsmountain biker van lifemountain bike failshow to be a mountain bikermountain biker vs roadiebikesmountain bike tricksmountain bikers vehiclemountain bike crashes

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