
    SpongeBob SquarePants

Lego item n°: bob026

Release year: 2011

* Black hips and green legs with yellow rectangle and triangle
* Green cape
* Light nougat head, modified Patrick with bright green mask
* Yellow torso with yellow star on green circle
* Yellow arms and green hands

This minifigure appears in:
3815-1: Heroic Heroes of the Deep (2011)
Patrick Star Plankton Spongebob Squarepants Car Boat Cartoon Nickelodeon Super Herosuperherohero superpatricklego patricklego spongebobpatrick starlego patrick starpatrick star (tv character)lego patrick's petlego patrick collectionpatrick's petlego spongebob seriespatrick manlego patrick star spongboblego bob esponja patricklego patrick spongebob collectionlego spongebob patrick's petlego spongebob episodeslego spongebob collectionlego brickfilmsno this is patrickspongebob patricklego para criançaspatricks new job

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