Pop Star

    Collectible Minifigures     Series 2 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col027

Release year: 2010

* Bright pink torso female strapless top with silver sparkles and heart necklace
* Yellow arms and yellow hands
* Dark pink hips and legs with silver belt and triple leg buckles
* Medium nougat hair female mid-length wavy with center part
* Yellow female head with pink lips and eye shadow, open mouth and beauty mark
* Accessory: Grey microphone
This minifigure appears in:
8684-11: Pop Star (2010)
8684-17: LEGO Minifigures Series 2 - Complete (2010)
Female Musicallego pop star house lego pop star dressing room lego friends pop star commercial lego friends livi pop star tv studio lego friends livi's pop star full episode lego city undercover pop star lego friends pop star tv studio elliev toys lego friends popstar bus lego friends livi's pop star full movie lego friends livi's pop star house instructions lego friends pop star show stage lego friends livi's pop star bus lego friends livi pop star lego friends livi's pop star song Lego music Lego Music Lego music instrumentsLego music themeLego music videoLego music boxLego music playlistLego music machineLego music video stop motionLego music meisterLego music 1 hourLego music shopLego music studioLego music playerLego music festivalLego pop starPopStarLego pop star houseLego pop star dressing roomLego pop star limoLego pop star setsLego pop star tour bus instructionsLego pop star liviLego pop star tour busLego pop star bus instructionsLego pop star show stageLego pop star busLego pop star stageLego pop star house instructionsLego pop star limo instructionslet go of ego musiclego musiclego music videolego music boxlego music playlistlego musical instrumentslego music machinelego music video stop motionlego music meisterlego music storelego music 1 hourlego music dancelego music studiolego music festivalmusic

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