Sherpa Sangye Dorje

    Adventurers     Orient Expedition

Lego item n°: adv029

Release year: 2003

* Backpack
* Grey pants
* Light brow shirt with red belt and knife
* Black hair
* Big brown hat
This minifigure appears in:
7417-1: Temple of Mount Everest (2003)
sherpaJohnny Thunder Lord Sam Sinister Ngan Pa Sherpa Sangye Dorje Aircraft Baseplate Temple Biplane Himalayas Propeller Aircraftthukten sherpahh dudjom sangye pema shepa rinpochesherpa songsangyeang dorje sherpasangye rinporchenew sherpa songtsering sherpah.h dudjom yangsi sangye pema shepa rinpochesherpa selo songhis holiness dudjom sangye pema zhepa rinpochedoma sherpasherpa gopasherpa gonpanew sherpa song 2019sherpa song aama yangri cholhis eminent sangye jatu rimporchesangeh.h dudjom yangsi sangye pema zhepa rinpoche offering bhumtsoksherpaweddingsherpaengagementchewangyanglashel

Construction Worker
Construction Worker
Lioness Warrior
Lioness Warrior