
    Dimensions     Legends of Chima

Lego item n°: loc124

Release year: 2015

* Dark blue hips and 1 sand blue left leg, 1 trans-light blue right leg with copper armor, glowing bones and white claws
* Sand blue mask tiger with white fangs and fur
* Sand blue torso fur with glowing bones, copper armor with rivets, chains and blue round jewel
* Sand blue arms and white hands
* Trans-light blue armor breastplate with shoulder pads, front stud and 2 back studs
* White head alien chima tiger with tan fangs, sand blue face fur and light blue eyes
This minifigure appears in:
70232-1: Saber Tooth Tiger Tribe Pack (2015)
legends of chimaSaber-Tooth Tiger Warrior Sirox Ice 5Th Wave Battle Pack Fire Vs Ice Ice Hunters Sabretooth Tribelego legends of chima lego legends of chima full episodes lego legends of chima theme song lego legends of chima laval's journey lego legends of chima episode 6 lego legends of chima sets lego legends of chima game lego legends of chima season 2 episode 1 lego legends of chima episode 4 lego legends of chima commercial lego legends of chima season 1 episode 1 lego legends of chima intro lego legends of chima ice bears vs bears lego legends of chima speedorz

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