

Lego item n°: dim045

Release year: 2017

* Bald head with a tuft of hair
* Grey legs and dark blue shirt with letter S
* Superman outfit
* Big mouth with visible teeth
This minifigure appears in:
71267-1: The Goonies Level Pack (2017)
Sloth Microscale Ship Galleon Musical 80S One Eyed Willys Pirate Ship Skeleton Organ Wave Eight Year Twoslothlegoslego dimensions slothlego sloththe goonies slothslothssloothsloth (superman shirt)sloth lego minifigurelego the goonies slothsloth lego minifiturebaby slothcute slothsuper slothbaby slothssloth videossloth (animal)sloth gameplaylego dimensions - sloth free roamthree toed slothlego® dimensions™funny sloth videosplaying with legoslego dimensions - sloth vs one-eyed willybuilding legoslego the goonieslegothe goonieslego toy storybarefoot legolego tutorial

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