
    Collectible Minifigures     Series 14 Minifigures

Lego item n°: col217

Release year: 2015

* White skin colour
* Looks like a ghost
* Grey outfit and grey cape
* Chain around his hands
This minifigure appears in:
71010-7: Spectre (2015)
71010-17: LEGO Minifigures - Series 14 - Monsters - Complete (2015)
Spooky Ghostlego ghostbusters lego ghostbusters ecto 1 lego ghostbusters movie lego ghostbusters jangbricks lego ghostbusters dimensions lego ghostbusters song lego ghostbusters sets lego ghostbusters ecto 1 moc lego ghostbusters ecto 1 and ecto 2 lego ghostbusters game lego ghost moc lego ghostbusters moc lego ghostbusters 2016 lego ghost schoolhalloweenspook

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