
    Ultra Agents

Lego item n°: uagt025

Release year: 2015

* Bright green hair, female, messy with swept-up ponytail, side bangs and clip
* Bright light orange armor space with shoulder protection
* Dark bluish gray hips and legs with studded dark green belt and leg straps, pockets and two lime toxic bulbs
* Lime torso female silver and gold space armor with green dirt and belt buckle with ultra agent toxic
* Lime arms and bright green hands
* Yellow head dual sided, female, black eyelashes and eyebrows, lime splotches and smirk or green eye shadow and lips and teeth
This minifigure appears in:
70169-1: Agent Stealth Patrol (2015)
ultra agentsToxikita Agent Jack Fury Agent Trey Swift Professor Brainstein Mech 2nd Wave App Brick Robot Doglego agentslego unboxinglego ultra agentslego stop motionlego ultra agents unboxinglego city undercoverlego ultra agents setslego ultra agents reviewtoxikitalego ultra agents collectionlego toy reviewlego toxikita

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