Troll Warrior 3 (Orc)

    Castle     Fantasy Era

Lego item n°: cas368

Release year: 2008

* Fantasy Era character: Troll Warrior
* Brown legs, brown shirt without sleeves and a chain around his body
* Helmet with grey speckles
* Light green skin colour, red eyes and vampire teeth
This minifigure appears in:
5618-1: Troll Warrior (2008)
7037-1: Tower Raid (2008)
7040-1: Dwarves' Mine Defender (2008)
7041-1: Troll Battle Wheel (2008)
7048-1: Troll Warship (2008)
7097-1: Trolls' Mountain Fortress (2009)
7979-1: Castle Advent Calendar (2008)
852293-1: Castle Giant Chess Set (2008)
852701-1: Troll Warrior Battle Pack (2009)
fantasy eraCart Rat TrollsCastle Crown KnightsCatapult Dwarves AshlarDragon Boat Ship Galleon Musical Bigfig CageHorse Magic Catapult Enclosed Fortress Evil Lair Spider Snake Skeletons Bat Advent Calendar Target PracticeBigfigTrollslego batmanlegoslego animationwarriorlego setslego ninjagolego seriesthe lego movie 2troll warriorslego stop motionlego trollslego makelego buildlego movie 2lego trolls setswarriorsthe lego movie 2 the second partlego jurassic worldlego carslego warslego worlds part 1lego storelego harry potterlego creator 3in1lego marvellego friendslego worlds full gamebrick lego animationlego 2the lego grouplego star warslego harry potter 2019

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