Unkar's Thug

    Star Wars     Star Wars Episode 7

Lego item n°: sw0655

Release year: 2015

* Dark bluish gray hips and legs with dark tan camouflage and silver dots
* Dark bluish gray headgear hood
* Dark bluish gray torso sw vest with dark tan camouflage over shirt with silver dots
* Dark bluish gray arms and black hands
* Pearl dark gray head alien black mask with goggles and metal mouth grate
This minifigure appears in:
75099-1: Rey's Speeder (2015)
75184-1: Star Wars Advent Calendar (2017)
Star WarsRey Unkar's Thug Jakku Sequel Trilogy The Force AwakensBB-8 First Order Snowtrooper First Order Stormtrooper Imperial Ground Crew Imperial Officer Major Brance Sabine Wren Microscale Christmas Starfighter Walker Droid Mandalorians Resistance Sled Snowplough Spectres Luggabeast Advent Calendar First Order Galactic Empire Phoenix Squadron Rebel Alliance Rogue One Star Wars Anthology Star Wars Shuttlelego star warsunkar's thuglego unkar's thuglego star wars setslego star wars 2017 setslego unkar's brutelego force awakenslego star wars advent calendarlego star wars setlego star wars unkar's brutelego star wars unboxinglego unkar's brute minifigureunkars thuglego star wars the force awakenslego star wars advent calendar 2017lego 2015lego star wars advent calendar 75184lego star wars toys

Pirate 4
Pirate 4
Tina Goldstein
Tina Goldstein
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Watermelon Dude