
    Dimensions     Legends of Chima

Lego item n°: loc009

Release year: 2013

* Legends of Chima character: Winzar (warrior of the Wolf Tribe
* Wolf outfit inclusive wolf head
* Nails of the toes
* Grey muscular body with dark red prints
* Tail on belt
This minifigure appears in:
30251-1: Winzar's Pack Patrol (2013)
70004-1: Wakz' Pack Tracker (2013)
70106-1: Ice Tower (2013)
850779-1: Legends of Chima Minifigure Accessory Set (2013)
Winzar Wolf Tribe Winzar Eagle Tribe Ripcord PoweredEwar Lennox Razcal Lion Tribe Raven Tribewinzarlego chimalego legends of chimalego winzar’slego winzar’s 111chima winzarlego chi machima legolego legends of chima (tv program)new lego chimawinzars pack patrollego clone wars downloaddownload lego clone warsall lego chima characterslego chima all characterslego chima character guide

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