Zombie Driver

    Collectible Minifigures     Monster Fighters

Lego item n°: mof012

Release year: 2012

* Black hat
* Dark blue hips and legs with tattered front
* Dark blue torso monster fighters jacket double breasted, tattered with buttons
* Dark blue arms, reddish brown hand right and light bluish gray hand left
* Light bluish gray head alien with white eyes and yellowed teeth with one missing tooth
This minifigure appears in:
9464-1: The Vampyre Hearse (2012)
9465-1: The Zombies (2012)
30200-1: Zombie chauffeur coffin car (2012)
40076-1: Zombie Car (2012)
Doctor Rodney Rathbone Lord Vampyre Zombie SpookyZombieLego zombie driver Driver lego halloween lego halloween minifigures lego halloween sets lego halloween 2 lego halloween zombies lego halloween moc lego halloween haunted house lego halloween 2020 lego halloween pumpkin lego halloween costume lego halloween movie lego halloween candy machine lego halloween 2018 lego halloween special Lego cemetery Lego graveyard Lego ghostbusters Lego monster Lego zombie Lego trick or treat Zombies Vampire Ghost Monster Lego

March Harriet
March Harriet
Community (Girl with baby bottle)
Community (Girl with baby bottle)