Boy on Ice Skates

    Holiday & Event     Christmas

Lego item n°: hol118

Release year: 2018

* Blue hips and legs
* Dark bluish gray knit cap
* Flat silver ice skates
* Medium nougat torso argyle sweater with white shirt collar and button
* Medium nougat arms and yellow hands
* Yellow head, brown eyebrows and freckles, open smile and white pupils
This minifigure appears in:
10263-1: Winter Village Fire Station (2018)
lego city advent calendarlego adventlego city adventlego city advent 2015lego city advent 60099lego city kalenderlego advent christmas 2015lego santalego city advent calendar 2015lego kalenderlego calendarlego santa clauslego city calendarcalendario de legolego advent calendarscalendario de adviento de legocalendario de adviento de lego citybaby on ice skatesice skateslego (interest)skateslego ice skatingskatelego friendslego skatepark

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