Duros Alliance Fighter

    Star Wars     Star Wars Battlefront

Lego item n°: sw0689

Release year: 2016

* Dark bluish gray jet pack with nozzles and stud
* Dark tan tile 1 x 1 with groove with black and dark bluish gray Star Wars rebel alliance jet pack
* Medium blue head alien with narrow red eyes and blue wrinkles
* Tan hips and dark tan legs with Star Wars pockets, camouflage and boots
* Tan torso Star Wars hooded shirt over light bluish gray undershirt and dark tan straight and diagonal belts with pockets
* Tan arms and dark brown hands
This minifigure appears in:
75133-1: Rebel Alliance Battle Pack (2016)
star warsRebel Trooper Video Game Battle Pack Rebel Alliancelegolego rebel allianceduros lego minifigurerebel alliancelego rebel alliance battlle pack reviewlego star warslego battlefrontrodian lego minifigurelego galactic empirelego resistancelego starlego rebel trooper75133 rebel alliance battle packxwing vs tie fighterlego 2016 stormtrooperslego 2016 rebel minifigureslego rebel speederlego rebel trooper battlepack

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