Rebel A-wing Pilot

    Star Wars     Star Wars Rebels

Lego item n°: sw0757

Release year: 2016

* Star Wars character
* Red outfit with white belt
* White gloves
* Black gun
* Helmet with headset and orange safety glasses
This minifigure appears in:
5004408-1: Rebel A-wing Pilot (2016)
A-wing Pilot Phoenix Squadron Rebel Alliancerebel a-wing pilotlego star warsa-wing pilota-winglego rebel a-wing pilotlego star wars rebel a-wing pilotlego a-wing pilotlego star wars rebelslego 5004408 rebel a-wing pilotlego a-winglego star wars rebel a-wing pilot polybag reviewrebel a-wing starfighterlego rebel pilotlego star wars a-wingrebelsminifigure rebel a-wing pilotrebel a-wing pilot polybag

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