Hammer Head

    Collectible Minifigures     The LEGO Ninjago Movie

Lego item n°: njo366

Release year: 2017

* Light bluish gray hips and legs with scuba suit with black straps and silver buckles and knee pads
* Light bluish gray shark mask head with dark bluish gray back, extended eyes, white teeth, pearl dark gray shoulder pads and front battery panel
* Pearl dark gray airtanks
* Sand blue torso scuba suit with utility belt with 3 pouches front and 3 pouches back
* Light bluish gray arms and black hands
* Yellow head, dark red beard stubble, sideburns, goatee and curved black eyebrows
This minifigure appears in:
70610-1: Flying Jelly Sub (2017)
ninjagoHammer Head Jay Walker Jelly Takuma Aircraft Boat Submarine 1St Wave Garmadon Aquatic Army The Lego Ninjago Movielego hammerhead sharklego hammer head sharklego hammerheadjorstad lego hammerheadlego hammerhead shark mocstar wars lego hammerheadlego hammerhead shark reviewmini lego hammerhead corvettelego marvels super heroes walkthrough part 1lego marvels super heroes 2 official trailerlego marvels super heroes 2 walkthrough part 1lego marvels avengers devil dinosaur skydivinghammersharklego ninjago movieninjago movielego ninjagothe lego ninjago moviemoviethe lego ninjago movie trailerninjago citylego ninjago movie endinglego ninjago movie trailerninjalego ninjago cityninjago 2017the ninjago movieninjago movie 2017ninjago movie legosninjago movie makerega lego ninjago movieninjago movie trailerlegos de ninjago movielego ninjago movie cliplego ninjago movie setslego ninjago movie 70632the lego ninjago movie clip

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Magma Drone
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Everyone is Awesome Bright Light Blue