Pirate Boy

    Pirates     Pirates III

Lego item n°: pi163

Release year: 2015

* Pirate boy with red short legs
* Shirt with red and white stripes
* Brown rope as belt
* Red cloth around his head
* Some freckles
This minifigure appears in:
70413-1: The Brick Bounty (2015)
Ship Sawfish Rowing Boatpiratelego pirateslego pirate shippirateslego piratelego pirate roller coasterpirate shiplego roller coasterlego shiplego pirate toyslego pirate baylego pirate setlego ideas pirate baylego pirate shipslego pirates 2009best lego pirate shiplego pirate ship battlelego creator pirateslego pirates of barracuda baybiggest lego pirate ship

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